PTC Mathcad Prime 10 Available now

Learn about all the latest updates and enhancements to
PTC Mathcad Prime 10!

PTC Mathcad Prime – Show Your Work!

PTC Mathcad Prime provides an all-inclusive and user-friendly solution for resolving, examining, recording, and distributing engineering computations. It gives engineers a robust application that guarantees precise computations, traceability, intellectual property protection, and the capacity to present their work.

With PTC Mathcad Prime, you can effortlessly document your calculations using natural mathematical notation and intelligent units in an engineering notebook. With the software, you may present your work in a single, expertly formatted document with various formatting options, such as graphs, text, and photos.

In comparison to spreadsheets, PTC Mathcad Prime is the better option. It visualizes mathematical concepts intuitively, enabling you to define, comprehend, and manipulate engineering calculations seamlessly. Because of the interface’s whiteboard-like appearance, solving mathematical problems becomes more organic and engaging.

PTC Mathcad Prime 9 offers productivity improvements and features driven by users’ needs to increase productivity and efficiency.

  • Using Text Styles, you can effortlessly apply consistent text formatting throughout your document and effectively denote various sections on your worksheet.
  • Internal links and Go-to Page functionality simplify navigation through lengthy documents. These features enable seamless movement within the document, and Internal links allow you to connect notes and calculations across the worksheet for convenient referencing.
  • Enhancements to color selection menus bring added versatility. Including a custom color picker empowers you to highlight specific sections, emphasize equations or plots with your chosen colors, and make your document visually impactful.

Usability and Productivity Updates 

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Symbolic and Numeric Engines Enhancements 

PTC continues to deliver powerful advancements in its symbolic and numeric engines, introducing valuable enhancements that expand users’ access to a broader range of mathematical operations and functionality.

  • A noteworthy inclusion is the Gradient Operator, which allows one to compute the gradient of a scalar function for defined variables in both symbolic and numerical representations. This empowers users to obtain comprehensive insights into the behavior of mathematical functions.
  • Adding the PDESolve Function to the Solve Block has further reinforced the numerical engine. This enhancement equips users to solve partial differential equations more effectively.
  • Symbolic solutions for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) have been enabled, enabling the resolution of first-order ODEs and higher-order ODEs that can be reduced to first-order systems. This enhancement enhances users’ capabilities in solving dynamic problems.
  • Furthermore, users can now utilize the Find Function to solve a system of equations symbolically within a Solve Block, expanding the flexibility and versatility of equation-solving tasks.
  • Elliptic and logarithmic integral functions are now included in the collection of mathematical functions that are accessible to users, enabling a greater variety of mathematical investigations.

Are you prepared to enhance your engineering process using PTC Mathcad Prime? Contact our Mathcad reseller team for help and advice regarding your specific requirements.

Would you like to know more?

Complex engineering mathematics calculations are easier to work with and easier to protect with PTC MathCAD.

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